Armour Security’s Comprehensive Guide to Home Security at Christmas

The festive season is upon us, and while the joy of celebrations fills the air, it’s crucial to ensure the safety and security of your home. This Christmas, make the season merrier with professional home security solutions from Armour Security. We’ve got you covered with a range of advanced devices, including the Pyronix HomeControl DoorbellCam,…

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The Pyronix CarDefender: Secures Large Van Dealership

The Pyronix CarDefender: Secures Large Van Dealership As a supplier of the Pyronix CarDefender, we are thrilled to learn that Pyronix has recently collaborated with a company specialising in the buying and selling of second-hand vans, each valued at approximately £15,000 and totalling £375,000. Facing significant challenges in securing their vehicles, the van company turned…

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Vehicle Theft Spike in North London – Protect Your Vehicle With CCTV

Deter Intruders

As a result of the steady rise in the cost of vehicles and auto parts, criminals have targeted work vans and luxury vehicles, with the intent of dismantling and reselling them at a reduced price. This has had a negative impact on auto theft rates, making business vehicles a highly desirable target for theft. With…

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Raise in Burglaries

Criminals takings were down by £ 103 million in 2020, due to fewer burglar opportunities as lockdown meant people spent more time on their property. This meant an assumed raise in burglar activities for the following years. Are you being cased? This is of paramount importance but there are a couple of other considerations. For…

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7 Reasons to Install a Home Alarm System

If you are on the fence about whether to install an alarm system in London for your home, check out these seven great reasons, complied by our expert team. As a leading home security company in London, Armour has been installing home security systems including domestic alarms for over 30 years. 1. Deters Criminals For…

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Danger at the Door

Danger at the Door - Doorbell alarm systems

Danger at the Door – DOORBELL ALARM SYSTEMS? Doorbell alarm systems have become popular due to an aggressive advertising campaign on TV and radio. However, they have limitations and problems. For example, they can be hacked and the wifi signal they rely on can be blocked by thieves using the same technology to steal cars.…

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Our Best 8 Security Tips

intruder alarm Enfield | Armour Security

Hоmе Security Tірѕ Exрlаіnеd Fоr juѕt about all of uѕ, оur mоѕt valuable financial аѕѕеt is thе home – not tо mention the еxреnѕіvе and mеаnіngful ‘stuff’ thаt іt соntаіnѕ. So іt’ѕ no ѕurрrіѕе thаt thоrоughlу securing уоur hоmе іѕ a mаjоr соnсеrn to just аbоut еvеrу responsible Householder and of particular interest to us.…

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